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SubjectRe: [RFC][PATCH 18/22] sched: add reclaiming logic to -deadline tasks
Hi James,

On 15/11/10 19:37, James H. Anderson wrote:
>>> The problem the stochastic execution time model tries to address is the
>>> WCET computation mess, WCET computation is hard and often overly
>>> pessimistic, resulting in under-utilized systems.
>> I know, and it's very reasonable. The point I'm trying to make is that
>> resource reservation tries to address the very same issue.
>> I am all but against this model, just want to be sure it's not too much
>> in conflict to the other features we have, especially with resource
>> reservation. Especially considering that --if I got the whole thing
>> about this scheduler right-- resource reservation is something we really
>> want, and I think UNC people would agree here, since I heard Bjorn
>> stating this very clear both in Dresden and in Dublin. :-)
>> BTW, I'm adding them to the Cc, seems fair, and more useful than all
>> this speculation! :-P
>> Bjorn, Jim, sorry for bothering. If you're interested, this is the very
>> beginning of the whole thread:
> If you're talking about our most recent "stochastic" paper, it is about
> supporting
> soft real-time task systems on a multiprocessor where resource
> reservations are
> used. The main result of the paper is that if you provision the
> reservation for a
> task slightly higher than it's average-case execution time, and if you
> use a
> scheduling algorithm (like global EDF) that ensures bounded tardiness
> (w.r.t.
> these reservations), then the task's expected tardiness will be bounded
> and the
> expected bound does not depend on worst-case execution times. I'm not
> sure if
> slack-reallocation methods have come up in this discussion (sorry, I'm
> really
> pressed for time and didn't look), but we didn't get into that in our
> paper.
So, if I understand well (sorry, I am just trying to make a short
summary to check if we are aligned) your analysis is similar to the one
presented in the papers I mentioned earlier in this thread (different
stochastic modelling, but similar approach): you analyse a reservation
in isolation and you provide some stochastic tardiness guarantees based
on an (e_i, p_i) service model.... Right?

If my understanding is correct (please, correct me if I am wrong), your
analysis can be applied even with the current version of Dario's patch
(I mean: no modifications to the patch are needed for removing
assumptions about WCET knowledge... Your paper uses a sporadic server
for the reservation mechanism, but I think a CBS can work too...).


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