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SubjectRe: [PATCH 03/20] x86, mce: Add persistent MCE event
On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 03:58:25AM -0500, Ingo Molnar wrote:
> > Yep, event enumeration will land in /sysfs eventually but in this case debugfs is
> > used to export the buffers with the events recorded so far to the daemon which
> > mmaps them. And I remember also being mentioned that debugfs will thus be always
> > compiled in because of that.
> The event ring-buffer can be mmap()-ed off the fd that sys_perf_event_open() gives.

This is what I did in the first version of the patchset...

> This is what all of tools/perf/ does - it uses debugfs only for even enumeration
> (which will move to sysfs).

but then PeterZ suggested I should use debugfs to export the buffers
and not teach sys_perf_event_open of persistent events. Which is also
the right thing to do (maybe not through debugfs) since we want to have
a single per-cpu buffer with all MCEs in there which even multiple
userspace tools can access. So the question is, how do I mmap() those

So we either

1) use the perf syscall and teach it about persistent events and it always
returns the same fd whenever a persistent event is requested over its attr

2) use debugfs (current approach);

3) enable the persistent event and stash its fd in some /sysfs member
which the RAS daemon reads out and mmaps. This last one actually sounds
pretty neat.

4) another idea which I'm missing.

So what do you guys think?


Advanced Micro Devices GmbH
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General Managers: Alberto Bozzo, Andrew Bowd
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