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SubjectRe: BFS vs. mainline scheduler benchmarks and measurements
On Mon, Sep 07, 2009 at 10:57:01PM +0200, Ingo Molnar wrote:
> > > Could you profile it please? Also, what's the context-switch rate?
> >
> > As far as I can tell, the broadcom mips architecture does not have
> > profiling support. It does only have some proprietary profiling
> > registers that nobody wrote kernel support for, yet.
> Well, what does 'vmstat 1' show - how many context switches are
> there per second on the iperf server? In theory if it's a truly
> saturated box, there shouldnt be many - just a single iperf task
Yay, finally something that's measurable in this thread \o/

Gigabit Ethernet iperf on an Atom or so might be something that
shows similar effects yet is debuggable. Anyone feel like taking a shot?

That beast doing iperf probably ends up making it go quite close to it's
limits (IO, mem bw, cpu). IIRC the routing/bridging performance is
something like 40Mbps (depends a lot on the model, corresponds pretty
well with the Mhz of the beast).

Maybe not totally unlike what make -j16 does to a 1-4 core box?

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  Last update: 2009-09-08 01:59    [W:0.117 / U:1.452 seconds]
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