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SubjectRe: [RFC] Privilege dropping security module
Andy Spencer wrote:
> I started work on a Linux Security Module called dpriv a few days ago
> and would like to get some feedback. It's by no means ready to be
> included in the kernel, but I'm sure there are many things that I could
> have done better so suggestions are welcome.

Hi Andy. Git is a wonderful tool, but if you want people to review
your work you need to post patches.

> The code is available from gitweb and the dpriv branch of my tree:
> git:// dpriv
> I'll start off with a quick FAQ
> -------------------------------
> Q: Why another LSM, don't we have enough already?
> A: As far as I know there are several rather unique things about dpriv
> when compared to other LSMs. (it's also been a good way for me to
> familiarize myself with the kernel)
> Q: So what's unique about dpriv?
> A: - Dpriv can be used by any user, not just by root
> - The "policy" is created at runtime instead of fixed beforehand
> - It does *not* implement Mandatory Access Control

A good thing, or at least, a partial answer to #1.

> Now for how it works
> --------------------
> - Everything is controlled though a securityfs interface which consists
> of three files: "stage", "policy", and "control".
> - Policies are created by writing lines to the stage file and then
> writing the "commit" command to the control file. "Committing" the
> policy merges the staged policy into the actual policy (the "policy"
> file). Note that privileges can only be dropped during a commit, and
> afterwards there is no way to get them back.
> - Policies are effective for the process which created them and are also
> copied to all it's child processes.
> - For example, the following commands will set the root filesystem
> read-only with the exception of allowing execute permission in /bin/
> and write permission in /tmp/. (note that directory permission are
> uppercase and file permissions are lowercase, both are recursive)
> $ echo r--R-X / > /sys/kernel/security/dpriv/stage
> $ echo r-xR-X /bin > /sys/kernel/security/dpriv/stage
> $ echo rw-RWX /tmp > /sys/kernel/security/dpriv/stage
> $ echo commit > /sys/kernel/security/dpriv/control

And what do you propose as an interesting use case for dpriv?

> And some technical details
> --------------------------
> (subject to change)
> - Dpriv stores a list of active and staged permissions for each process
> in current->cred->security. Each permissions line consists of a mode
> mask and the inode that it is effective for.
> - When determining access rights for an inode: if the inode is in the
> list of active permissions, use that mask, else recursively fetch (and
> merge) the permissions from the inodes parents
> (to do this, all the parents for hard links/mounts will need to be
> known and stored in the inode somehow, possibly using extended
> attributes, I haven't completely worked this out yet)
> - Permissions for things other than files could be implemented as well,
> but I haven't started working on those either.
> Let me know what you think

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