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SubjectRe: [RFC][PATCH] SCHED_EDF scheduling class
On Tue, 2009-09-22 at 18:06 -0600, Jonathan Corbet wrote:
> On Tue, 22 Sep 2009 16:55:39 -0700
> Daniel Walker <> wrote:
> > We did .. It's not my mailer, it's my scripts .. I read a little of
> > wikipedia on this and it says it's a MIME encoding..
> >
> >
> >
> > So it's like a mime encoded patch instead of plain ascii encoded
> > patch .. I don't think we should all have to parse this stuff out, we
> > should just be getting utf8 encodings which covers everything we use in
> > the kernel AFAIK ..
> I have scripts that handle email as well. But I wrote them in a
> scripting language which has modules to cope with standard-compliant
> email, and I have no trouble with other transfer encodings at all. You
> really need to do the same. Better you fix your scripts than
> continually demanding that the rest of the development community
> conform to your restrictive requirements.

"restrictive requirements" ? I mean don't blame me for that .. It's in
Documentation/email-clients.txt .. The selected norm is UTF8 , and I
don't disagree with that. After researching it that is what we should be
using. At the same time, I'm not demanding anything of anyone , I'm
simply asking nicely for the submitter to check what they are doing..

My scripts may not handle it which is fine. I just wouldn't likely end
up reviewing it. That really isn't bad for _me_ ..

> Daniel, I believe that you are really trying to help make the kernel
> better. But I fear that you may be having the opposite effect by
> discouraging contributions from others. Please consider taking a step
> back and thinking about your interactions and the nature of your
> efforts; I think you may find that there are more productive and
> encouraging ways for you to contribute.

I am trying to make the kernel (or community) better, but my motivation
is purely my own (as it often is with people on this list) ..

I don't see the effects your indicating, discouraging contributions .. I
think if anything I'm helping people to get to a place where they can
contribute in a comfortable way without worrying about things like
checkpatch .. I think the problem most submitters have on this list is
that no one tells them they are doing something wrong so they don't
correct it. I clearly recall submitting my first several patches
copy-and-pasted which got either ignored , or caused a maintainer lots
of pain .. Had I been told earlier that it was a problem I would have
corrected it immediately (and been happy to have been notified about

discouraging contributions is more something that happens when you get
the responses I got earlier in this thread..


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