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SubjectRe: [PATCH 0/7] AlacrityVM guest drivers
Gregory Haskins wrote:
> That said, note that the graphs were from earlier kernel runs (2.6.28,
> 29-rc8). The most recent data I can find that I published is for
> 2.6.29, announced with the vbus-v3 release back in April:
> In it, the virtio-net throughput numbers are substantially higher and
> possibly more in line with your expectations (4.5gb/s) (though notably
> still lagging venet, which weighed in at 5.6gb/s).

Okay, that makes more sense. Would be nice to update the graphs as they
make virtio look really, really bad :-)

> Generally, I find that the virtio-net exhibits non-deterministic results
> from release to release. I suspect (as we have discussed) the
> tx-mitigation scheme. Some releases buffer the daylights out of the
> stream, and virtio gets close(r) throughput (e.g. 4.5g vs 5.8g, but
> absolutely terrible latency (4000us vs 65us). Other releases it seems
> to operate with more of a compromise (1.3gb/s vs 3.8gb/s, but 350us vs
> 85us).

Are you using kvm modules or a new kernel? There was some timer
infrastructure changes around 28/29 and it's possible that the system
your on is now detecting an hpet which will result in a better time
source. That could have an affect on mitigation.

> If there is another patch-series/tree I should be using for comparison,
> please point me at it.

No, I think it's fair to look at upstream Linux. Looking at the latest
bits would be nice though because there are some virtio friendly changes
recently like MSI-x and GRO.

Since you're using the latest vbus bits, it makes sense to compare
against the latest virtio bits.


Anthony Liguori

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