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SubjectRe: [PATCH 2/2] sound: make OSS device number claiming optional

Alan Cox wrote:
>> If we're gonna do that, we might as well just rip off the pointless
>> 'claim everything so we can use our own module alises' code from
>> sound_core.c and be done with it. That really is the only problem.
> The interface expected is the sound_register_* interface and the sharing
> is likewise expected so you could for example mix OSS. CUSE and ALSA oss
> emulation drivers on the same system at the same time.

If OSS behaves like a good chrdev and claims what it can really do,
all that can be done so much easier at the chrdev level.

> Rewriting sound_register* in terms of minor number allocations using the
> fact modern kernels have better allocators for devices would also be
> preferable to the weird module hacks initially proposed. I guess a
> starting point would be to tweak soundcore to generate both message sets
> itself for a year and then pull the old stuff out.

I don't disagree with you in that the above would be the perfect
technical solution but I just don't think the balance sheet is right.



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  Last update: 2009-08-05 16:19    [W:0.125 / U:0.000 seconds]
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