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SubjectRe: [patch] ext2/3: document conditions when reliable operation is possible
On 08/25/2009 09:00 PM, Theodore Tso wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 08:31:21PM -0400, Ric Wheeler wrote:
>>>> You are simply incorrect, Ted did not say that ext3 does not work
>>>> with MD raid5.
>>> Pavel
>> I will let Ted clarify his text on his own, but the quoted text says "...
>> have potential...".
>> Why not ask Neil if he designed MD to not work properly with ext3?
> So let me clarify by saying the following things.
> 1) Filesystems are designed to expect that storage devices have
> certain properties. These include returning the same data that you
> wrote, and that an error when writing a sector, or a power failure
> when writing sector, should not be amplified to cause collateral
> damage with previously succfessfully written sectors.
> 2) Degraded RAID 5/6 filesystems do not meet these properties.
> Neither to cheap flash drives. This increases the chances you can
> lose, bigtime.

I agree with the whole write up outside of the above - degraded RAID
does meet this requirement unless you have a second (or third, counting
the split write) failure during the rebuild.

Note that the window of exposure during a RAID rebuild is linear with
the size of your disk and how much you detune the rebuild...


> 3) Does that mean that you shouldn't use ext3 on RAID drives? Of
> course not! First of all, Ext3 still saves you against kernel panics
> and hangs caused by device driver bugs or other kernel hangs. You
> will lose less data, and avoid needing to run a long and painful fsck
> after a forced reboot, compared to if you used ext2. You are making
> an assumption that the only time running the journal takes place is
> after a power failure. But if the system hangs, and you need to hit
> the Big Red Switch, or if you using the system in a Linux High
> Availability setup and the ethernet card fails, so the STONITH ("shoot
> the other node in the head") system forces a hard reset of the system,
> or you get a kernel panic which forces a reboot, in all of these cases
> ext3 will save you from a long fsck, and it will do so safely.
> Secondly, what's the probability of a failure causes the RAID array to
> become degraded, followed by a power failure, versus a power failure
> while the RAID array is not running in degraded mode? Hopefully you
> are running with the RAID array in full, proper running order a much
> larger percentage of the time than running with the RAID array in
> degraded mode. If not, the bug is with the system administrator!
> If you are someone who tends to run for long periods of time in
> degraded mode --- then better get a UPS. And certainly if you want to
> avoid the chances of failure, periodically scrubbing the disks so you
> detect hard drive failures early, instead of waiting until a disk
> fails before letting the rebuild find the dreaded "second failure"
> which causes data loss, is a d*mned good idea.
> Maybe a random OS engineer doesn't know these things --- but trust me
> when I say a competent system administrator had better be familiar
> with these concepts. And someone who wants their data to be reliably
> stored needs to do some basic storage engineering if they want to have
> long-term data reliability. (That, or maybe they should outsource
> their long-term reliable storage some service such as Amazon S3 ---
> see Jeremy Zawodny's analysis about how it can be cheaper, here:
> But we *do* need to be careful that we don't write documentation which
> is ends up giving users the wrong impression. The bottom line is that
> you're better off using ext3 over ext2, even on a RAID array, for the
> reasons listed above.
> Are you better off using ext3 over ext2 on a crappy flash drive?
> Maybe --- if you are also using crappy proprietary video drivers, such
> as Ubuntu ships, where every single time you exit a 3d game the system
> crashes (and Ubuntu users accept this as normal?!?), then ext3 might
> be a better choice since you'll reduce the chance of data loss when
> the system locks up or crashes thanks to the aforemention crappy
> proprietary video drivers from Nvidia. On the other hand, crappy
> flash drives *do* have really bad write amplification effects, where a
> 4K write can cause 128k or more worth of flash to be rewritten, such
> that using ext3 could seriously degrade the lifetime of said crappy
> flash drive; furthermore, the crappy flash drives have such terribly
> write performance that using ext3 can be a performance nightmare.
> This of course, doesn't apply to well-implemented SSD's, such as the
> Intel's X25-M and X18-M. So here your mileage may vary. Still, if
> you are using crappy proprietary drivers which cause system hangs and
> crashes at a far greater rate than power fail-induced unclean
> shutdowns, ext3 *still* might be the better choice, even with crappy
> flash drives.
> The best thing to do, of course, is to improve your storage stack; use
> competently implemented SSD's instead of crap flash cards. If your
> hardware RAID card supports a battery option, *get* the battery. Add
> a UPS to your system. Provision your RAID array with hot spares, and
> regularly scrub (read-test) your array so that failed drives can be
> detected early. Make sure you configure your MD setup so that you get
> e-mail when a hard drive fails and the array starts running in
> degraded mode, so you can replace the failed drive ASAP.
> At the end of the day, filesystems are not magic. They can't
> compensate for crap hardware, or incompetently administered machines.
> - Ted
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