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SubjectRe: [Alacrityvm-devel] [PATCH v3 3/6] vbus: add a "vbus-proxy" bus model for vbus_driver objects
On 08/19/2009 03:44 AM, Ira W. Snyder wrote:
>> You don't need in fact a third mode. You can mmap the x86 address space
>> into your ppc userspace and use the second mode. All you need then is
>> the dma engine glue and byte swapping.
> Hmm, I'll have to think about that.
> The ppc is a 32-bit processor, so it has 4GB of address space for
> everything, including PCI, SDRAM, flash memory, and all other
> peripherals.
> This is exactly like 32bit x86, where you cannot have a PCI card that
> exposes a 4GB PCI BAR. The system would have no address space left for
> its own SDRAM.

(you actually can, since x86 has a 36-40 bit physical address space even
with a 32-bit virtual address space, but that doesn't help you).

> On my x86 computers, I only have 1GB of physical RAM, and so the ppc's
> have plenty of room in their address spaces to map the entire x86 RAM
> into their own address space. That is exactly what I do now. Accesses to
> ppc physical address 0x80000000 "magically" hit x86 physical address
> 0x0.

So if you mmap() that, you could work with virtual addresses. It may be
more efficient to work with physical addresses directly though.

I have a truly marvellous patch that fixes the bug which this
signature is too narrow to contain.

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  Last update: 2009-08-19 07:29    [W:0.157 / U:0.064 seconds]
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