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SubjectRe: kernel segv with 2.6.31-rc6 ?
> I'd be happy to fail to load it.  There might be sysfs issues with it too.

That sounds reasonable to me. And I'd be happy to at least look a little
and maybe give some advice to anybody who finds themself building such a
(free) module, doesn't know why or how it got that way, and wants to ask.

> No, the real problem is that it ignores failure. I'd much rather fail
> the module load than various features mysteriously MIA.

In that regard, I just made add_notes_attrs() follow the model of
add_sect_attrs(), which (gracefully) ignores all its failures. I don't
know what the thought behind that was. My only guess was that since this
is all CONFIG_KALLSYMS-only features, that someone thought turning on
CONFIG_KALLSYMS should not add new ways to lose that weren't there before,
only new ways to lose the new features that weren't there before either.
Having these other alloc/sysfs failures cause the module load to fail would
certainly be fine with me.


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  Last update: 2009-08-18 07:09    [W:1.107 / U:0.024 seconds]
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