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SubjectRe: Security: information leaks in /proc enable keystroke recovery

On Sun, 16 Aug 2009, David Wagner wrote:

> I accept your argument that there is no point trying to defend against
> deliberate communication of information between two cooperating processes
> via some sneaky channel; there is no hope of stopping that in
> general-purpose commodity OS's. If process X and Y are both colluding to
> send information from X to Y, they will succeed, no matter how hard we try.
> We have no hope of closing all such channels, for general-purpose commodity
> OS's (like FreeBSD or Linux).

Moving beyind EIP/ESP, which are clearly a bad idea:

The OS community has not engaged well with the concerns raised by past
cache-based crypto side channels, in part because it seemed the least complex
solution was hardening crypto against having key-driven footprints in the
cache. However, the problem they represent (avoiding the use of shared
resources between mutually untrusting processes, and then mitigating efects
that remain) definitely sounds like the covert channel problem, with very
similar concerns extensively discussed in the documents I referred to.

In an interactive system, the scheduling of threads in a process reflect the
completion of various events: user I/O, network I/O, disk I/O, or perhaps the
expiration of a timer associated with application-internal events (animations,
statistics, etc). Monitoring these from another process is intentionally easy
on commodity OS's -- there are a variety of monitoring statistics, from the
already mentioned process/thread execution time, to context switch counters,
wait channels/addresses, lock states, timestamps on special devices, etc, not
to mention having CPU sink processes that nice themselves appropriately and
hang around monitoring execution of other processes/threads/the kernel through
gaps in its own scheduling. Some of the intentional mechanisms are specific
to processes, and easy to block by policy. Others are global, and begin the
sliding down the slope of "making the system and applications a lot harder to
analyze and debug", something that sites frequently hosting large numbers of
mutually untrusting users (web farms) may not be willing to deal do.

Into the area of techniques that annoy people: my guess is that you may also
be able to measure the context switching of processes on other CPUs through
very careful timing of events in the kernel on your local CPU. For example,
it's a reasonable bet that using the TSC and carefully selected system
calls/arguments, you can measure cache line behavior associated with kernel
scheduler/statistic lines that will be pulled to another CPU when a context
switch takes place. For example, consider per-CPU run queue locks or context
switch statistics, which may in edge cases be pulled to another CPU, such as
when monitoring takes place. If they are already local to the attacking CPU,
no context switch has taken place on the other CPU since you last checked; if
they're non-local, a context switch has taken place.

Following Colin Percival's paper on cache side channels for RSA, there was a
lot of discussion about how the OS could help mitigate these problems: do you
provide "security critical sections" around cryptography which introduce
temporary but performance-degrading mutual exclusion of caches based on
knowledge of the CPU topology, for example. Identifying and offering similar
trade-offs between performance and security, avoiding excess complexity, and
in particular, limiting the scope of those performance losses to only critical
moments will be key if the security community wants to engage the OS community
here. Otherwise I suspect these concerns will pass by, unaddressed, again.

Robert N M Watson
Computer Laboratory
University of Cambridge

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