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SubjectRe: CPU scheduler weirdness?

On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 05:39:10PM +0200, Marton Balint wrote:
>>> Does anybody have any idea what can cause this?
>> /sys/devices/system/cpu/sched_smt_power_savings , perhaps?
> Thanks for the tip, tuning the sched_mc_power_savings setting helped! The
> original value of it was 0, but after setting it to 1, the two
> cpu-intensive processes got scheduled to different CPU cores, as
> expected.

Heh, I did expect it to not help, and indeed that thing helping in this
way points to a... BUG, plain and simple.
lists possible settings as

The power savings and performance of the given workload in an under
utilised system can be controlled by setting values of 0, 1 or 2 to
/sys/devices/system/cpu/sched_mc_power_savings with 0 being highest
performance and least power savings and level 2 indicating maximum
power savings even at the cost of slight performance degradation.

which is exactly opposite to what I'd have expected to be normal,
unconfigured behaviour in your case.

> Setting it back to 0 casused the two cpu-intensive processes to run on
> the same CPU again. So I guess I will just set it to 1 after booting the
> system.

...which would indicate a level=1 or level=2 (maximum powersaving)
behaviour. Something either seems reversed or really weird.
But it could just be opaque if correct behaviour due to a much more complex
load balancing algo in the scheduler or so.

Comments, anyone?

Andreas Mohr

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