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    SubjectRe: [RFC] What are the goals for the architecture of an in-kernel IR system?
    Hi Jon,

    on 04 Dec 09 at 19:28, Jon Smirl wrote:
    >> BTW, I just came across a XMP remote that seems to generate 3x64 bit
    >> scan codes. Anyone here has docs on the XMP protocol?
    > Assuming a general purpose receiver (not one with fixed hardware
    > decoding), is it important for Linux to receive IR signals from all
    > possible remotes no matter how old or obscure? Or is it acceptable to
    > Of course transmitting is a completely different problem, but we
    > haven't been talking about transmitting. I can see how we would need
    > to record any IR protocol in order to retransmit it. But that's in the
    > 5% of users world, not the 90% that want MythTV to "just work". Use
    > something like LIRC if you want to transmit.

    I don't think anyone here is in the position to be able to tell what is
    90% or 5%. Personally I use LIRC exclusively for transmit to my settop box
    using an old and obscure RECS80 protocol.
    No, I won't replace my setup just because it's old and obscure.

    Cable companies tend to provide XMP based boxes to subscribers more often
    these days. Simply not supporting these setups is a no-go for me.


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