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SubjectRe: nconfig v7
> >As far as colrs are involved, I think it is best to not impose any
> >color scheme. You can never satisfy everyone, and will get into
> >endless fights about which is best.
> Well, menuconfig seems to have had the least fights. There was exactly
> one color scheme imposed, and that did not change for years; when themes
> were added, not much happened. There was a bit of discussion and
> submissions about themes (including myself), but in the end, it was
> sort-of agreed upon that four were enough. And they seem to work for
> everybody.
I also would like the current (menuconfig) defautl color scheme to be used.

> >Thanks for catching this. It is a by-product of the code for
> >presenting everything inside a single menu. Easily fixed in the next
> >version. By the way, is anyone using this option at all? It would much
> >simplify the code if I did not have to support the one giant menu
> >option.
> Well nconfig is the first to provide that option. (Note: I don't use
> gconfig or xconfig, so I cannot tell if they have something like that.)
> So to see whether there is use, you would have to wait a number of
> kernel releases that have nconfig integrated.

We already have:
Optional personality available
. ------------------------------
. If you prefer to have all of the kernel options listed in a single
. menu, rather than the default multimenu hierarchy, run the menuconfig
. with MENUCONFIG_MODE environment variable set to single_menu. Example:
. make MENUCONFIG_MODE=single_menu menuconfig
. <Enter> will then unroll the appropriate category, or enfold it if it
. is already unrolled.
. Note that this mode can eventually be a little more CPU expensive
. (especially with a larger number of unrolled categories) than the
. default mode.

But I do not think it is much used.


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