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    SubjectRe: Async suspend-resume patch w/ completions (was: Re: Async suspend-resume patch w/ rwsems)

    On Sat, 12 Dec 2009, Rafael J. Wysocki wrote:
    > I'd like to put it into my tree in this form, if you don't mind.

    This version still has a major problem, which is not related to
    completions vs rwsems, but simply to the fact that you wanted to do this
    at the generic device layer level rather than do it at the actual
    low-level suspend/resume level.

    Namely that there's no apparent sane way to say "don't wait for children".

    PCI bridges that don't suspend at all - or any other device that only
    suspends in the 'suspend_late()' thing, for that matter - don't have any
    reason what-so-ever to wait for children, since they aren't actually
    suspending in the first place. But you make them wait regardless, which
    then serializes things unnecessarily (for example, two unrelated USB

    And no, making _everything_ be async is _not_ the answer.


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      Last update: 2009-12-13 02:19    [W:4.162 / U:0.456 seconds]
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