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SubjectRe: amd5536udc interrupts bug
On Friday 09 January 2009 03:41:21 Thomas Dahlmann wrote:
> Vadim Lobanov schrieb:
> > Alas, the hardware doesn't work. When I try plugging in the other end of
> > the USB cable, absolutely nothing happens. Not even an interrupt:
> > /proc/interrupts for the amd5536udc line stays at zero. Any thoughts on
> > possible ways to tackle this / what could be going wrong / etc?

Just realized that I forgot to mention that I do also have g_zero sitting on
top of amd5536udc, so there should at least be a dummy USB device to

> Is there any output in the kernel messages on the host side complaining
> about that device is
> not answering? If not than USB device port is probably not connected to
> UDC PHY. Please
> check in BIOS setup that port 4 is assigned to UDC.

Nope, nothing at all shows up in the logs or the interrupt counts when the
cable is plugged, neither for the host drivers nor the device drivers. (The
quickest test I have is to hook the device up to itself - one A port and one B

The BIOS is configured "correctly" if the manuals are to be trusted. Here are
the relevant settings
OHCI: Enabled
EHCI: Enabled
UDC: Enabled
UOC: Disabled
Overcurrent reporting: Disabled
Port 4 assignment: Device

> This will set bits PAD_EN and APU in UOC controller (DEVID 0x2097):

Please pardon my ignorance, but what would be the best way to check if
these bits are set?


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  Last update: 2009-01-09 23:43    [W:1.696 / U:0.048 seconds]
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