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    SubjectRe: x86: unify genapic code, unify subarchitectures, remove old subarchitecture code

    * Andi Kleen <> wrote:

    > Also bigsmp is kind of obsolete too, it could be probably
    > merged with default with very tiny impact because it's not
    > all that different.

    i dont think you have understood the driving principle behind this
    restructuring and unification.

    The whole _point_ of the apic driver infrastructure is to use it for
    dissimilar APIC modes.

    In the future we'll create _more_ of them, not less - so that we can
    remove runtime conditionals from the drivers and that we can use the APIC
    driver for the hardware that is the most efficient.

    For example, the apic_default driver (which is used if all APIC IDs are
    between 0 and 7 - which is the majority of current hardware), is more
    efficient at sending IPIs, because it can send a broadcast IPI (used for
    TLB flushes for example) as a single IPI.

    The apic_bigsmp driver on the other hand has to use a 'serialized'
    sequence of IPIs, to each CPU separately. That is less efficient,
    especially for something as performance-sensitive as TLB flushes.

    To "unify" the ability of apic_bigsmp to deal with APIC IDs >= 8 with the
    more efficient logical addressing mode of apc_default is possible but ugly
    - we'd have to add runtime checks and flip between the two methods. What
    So what you call "very tiny impact" is in reality unnecessary and
    avoidable overhead.


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      Last update: 2009-01-29 23:35    [W:4.093 / U:0.080 seconds]
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