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SubjectRe: [LLVMdev] inline asm semantics: output constraint width smaller than input
Kyle Moffett wrote:
> Even in the 64-bit-integer on 32-bit-CPU case, you still end up with
> the lower 32-bits in a standard integer GPR, and it's trivial to just
> ignore the "upper" register. You also would not need to do any kind
> of bit-shift, so long as your inline assembly initializes both GPRs
> and puts the halves of the result where they belong.

In this case, we're talking about what happens when the assembly takes a
64-bit input operand in the same register as a 32-bit output operand
(with a "0" constraint.) Is the output operand the same register number
as the high register or the low register? On an LE machine the answer
is trivial and obvious -- the low register; on a BE machine both
interpretations are possible (I actually suspect gcc will assign the
high register, just based on how gcc internals work in this case.)


H. Peter Anvin, Intel Open Source Technology Center
I work for Intel. I don't speak on their behalf.

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  Last update: 2009-01-28 18:33    [W:0.058 / U:0.096 seconds]
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