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SubjectRE: [PATCH 2.6.27-rc5 1/29] mdb: export ioapic read routines and detected ioapic count
Cool.  If you find git-send-email too low-level, feel
free to use my convenience script, git-send-patch:;a=blob_plain;f=git-send-patch;hb=HEAD
that helps automate the patch sending process even further
in particular it knows to wait between each email
so that they arrive to the list (approx.) in order.
(Otherwise I found that Thundermail might get confused
when trying to thread them together)
Note: don't forget to keep the angle brackets surrounding
the message-id for the in-reply-to parmaeter...


-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Mon 2008-09-01 16:39
To: Halevy, Benny
Subject: Re: [PATCH 2.6.27-rc5 1/29] mdb: export ioapic read routines and detected ioapic count

> Jeff, general comment: can you please send your patches as replies
> to a leading message so they all be linked as a single thread?
> Threading them together is helpful for maintaining several
> versions of your patchset and it's simpler to ignore if one's
> not really interested in this topic at all.
> Benny

Hi Benny,

I was already scolded about this by a few folks. I had not located the
git email programs when I submitted this project and I wrote something
myself to submit them. (see attached). I have thrown the program in the
trash I wrote to do this and moved to git.

Now I have reviewed the git clients and patch tools and I understand and
will use git and I see now why git works this way with the reply chain. I
will not be submitting patch series on this list for every release unless
the code has had major additions or changes in the future. I will
instead post the patches to the project site with a single post on this
list to point to the patches.

I will post patch series when x86_64 is finished and I have completed my
rewrite of traps_32.c and traps_64.c -- Linux needs nested TSS gates over
all the exceptions so the system can handle nested exceptions and switch
to a known good stack during faults. At present, what's there is ok but
not as resilient as it could be.


#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#define TESTING 1

unsigned char buffer[8192];
unsigned char filename[64];

int output_comments(FILE *fl, int j)
fprintf(fl, "\n");
return 0;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
register int i = 1, j;
register FILE *fp = NULL, *fl, *fs;
char *s, *p;

while (s = fgets(buffer, 8192, stdin))
if (!strncmp(s, "diff", 4))

if (!strncmp(s, "---", 3))
if (fp)

sprintf(filename, "%i.patch", i);
fp = fopen(filename, "wb");
if (!fp)
printf("file open error [%s]\n", filename);
return 1;

p = strchr(s, '/');
if (p)
fprintf(fp, "--- a");
fprintf(fp, "%s", p);
fprintf(fp, "%s", s);

if (!strncmp(s, "+++", 3))
p = strchr(s, '/');
if (p)
fprintf(fp, "+++ b");
fprintf(fp, "%s", p);
fprintf(fp, "%s", s);

if (fp);
fprintf(fp, "%s", s);
if (fp)

fs = fopen("mailer", "wb");
if (!fs)
printf("file open error [mailer]\n");
return 1;

for (j=1; j <= i; j++)
sprintf(filename, "%i.patch", j);
fp = fopen(filename, "rb");
if (!fp)
printf("file open error [%s]\n", filename);
return 1;

sprintf(filename, "", j);
fl = fopen(filename, "wb");
if (!fl)
printf("file open error [%s]\n", filename);
return 1;
fprintf(fs, "sendmail -f -t < %s\n",

fprintf(fl, "\n");
fprintf(fl, "\n");
fprintf(fl, "\n");
fprintf(fl, "Subject:[PATCH %s %i/%i] mdb: ",
argv[1] ? argv[1] : "", j, i);

output_comments(fl, j);

fprintf(fl, "Signed-off-by: Jeffrey Vernon Merkey "

while (s = fgets(buffer, 8192, fp))
fprintf(fl, "%s", s);

sprintf(filename, "%i.patch", j);

chmod("mailer", 755);
return 0;

 \ /
  Last update: 2008-09-01 16:33    [W:0.069 / U:0.276 seconds]
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