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SubjectRe: [PATCH 06/11] sysfs: Implement sysfs tagged directory support.
Eric W. Biederman wrote:
> Daniel Lezcano <> writes:
>> The kobject events are sent through a netlink message which is not currently per
>> network namespace. Shouldn't be useful to have a way to retrieve from the
>> kobject the network namespace or the uevent socket associated with it ? IMHO
>> having idr in the kobject + netns pointer associated may help to handle the
>> sysfs isolation and makes the uevent per namespace trivial, no ?
> Grumble. I have been conveniently been forgetting about that socket.
> Similarly we have the user mode helpers to deal with.
> For this conversation there is a simple answer. All of that is in the
> kobject layer, and works even when you compile sysfs out of your kernel.
> Therefore it is a separate problem. And sysfs idr tags have nothing
> to do with it.

Ah Ok, I am not really familiar with kobject/sysfs so I thought there
was a proposition to store the id in the kobject instead of using the
tag callbacks, so I figured, perhaps, the idr could have been used in
the kobject layer and the sysfs being built upon that.

> It is most definitely something we need to come back to. I bet there
> are some interesting interactions when you have multiple network devices
> with the same name generating events.

Yes as mentionned Benjamin, we have the eth0 in the init_net which is
shut down when a network namespace with a netdev with the same name
exits. There is a udev rule which ifdown eth0 :)

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  Last update: 2008-07-03 15:09    [W:0.260 / U:1.552 seconds]
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