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SubjectRe: [stable] Linux

On Tue, 15 Jul 2008, Tiago Assumpcao wrote:
> However, as I previously explained [],
> security issues are identified and communicated through what can be a long and
> complicated (due to DNAs, etc.) process. If it culminates at implementation,
> without proper information forwarding from the development team, it will never
> reach the "upper layers" -- vendors, distributors, end users, et al.

Umm. That shouldn't be our worry. If others had a long and involved (and
broken) process, they should be the ones that track the fixes too. We
weren't involved, we didn't see that, we simply _cannot_ care.

> Therefore, yes, it is of major importance that you people, too, buy the
> problem and support the process as a whole. Otherwise... well, otherwise,
> we're back to where we started, 20 years ago. Good luck Linux users.

Umm. What was wrong with 20 years ago exactly?

Are you talking about all the wonderful work that the DNS people did for
that new bug, and how they are heroes for synchronizing a fix and keeping
it all under wraps?

And isn't that the same bug that djb talked about and fixed in djbdns from
the start? Which he did about ten YEARS ago?

Excuse me for not exactly being a huge fan of "security lists" and best
practices. They seem to be _entirely_ be based on PR and how much you can
talk up a specific bug. No thank you,


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