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    SubjectRe: [GIT *] Allow request_firmware() to be satisfied from in-kernel, use it in more drivers.

    On Tue, 15 Jul 2008, David Woodhouse wrote:
    > I'm unconvinced that the kernel should be setting this kind of policy.

    I do think it should probably be conditional, but I think that's true of
    udevd itself too, so hey, it cuts both ways.

    > But I suppose if you make it tunable in sysfs and just switch to calling
    > do_filp_open() directly from firmware_class.c instead of punting to
    > userspace, that might work.

    Yup. And then you can disable it either statically (config option) or by
    writing an invalid path into /proc/sys/kernel/firmware-dir or whatever.

    Or you can just decide that if you find something in the kernel-specific
    firmware directory, then it should always take precedence over whatever
    udev rules. Which sounds good to me anyway.

    Maybe you really do have some very kernel-specific issue (ie you're trying
    a new driver that can handle a new experimental firmware, but you don't
    want your old fall-back kernels to use it because you just fixed the bug
    that makes it work again).

    Requiring you to write udevd scripts for that sounds insane. I wouldn't
    even know where to start.

    So kernel-specific directories do make sense. As does the whole "I don't
    want to handle the pain that is udev scripts".


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      Last update: 2008-07-15 21:53    [W:4.278 / U:0.028 seconds]
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