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SubjectRe: [PATCH] net: add ability to clear stats via ethtool - e1000/pcnet32
Bill Fink wrote:
> Yes, every individual Linux network administrator can re-create the
> wheel by devising their own scripts, but it makes much more sense
> to me to implement a simple general kernel mechanism once that could
> be used generically, than to have hundreds (or thousands) of Linux
> network administrators each having to do it themselves (perhaps
> multiple times if they have a variety of types of systems and types
> of NICs).

The ethtool interface is pretty generic, even if the names aren't.
Here's some Python code I just knocked up which demonstrates how
to get a set of named stats. It shouldn't be terribly hard to
extend this to saving and subtracting stat sets.


import array, fcntl, os, socket, struct



ETHTOOL_GSTATS = 0x0000001d

def ethtool(sock, name, buf):
ifreq = struct.pack('16sP', name, buf.buffer_info()[0])
fcntl.ioctl(sock.fileno(), SIOCETHTOOL, ifreq)

def ethtool_gdrvinfo(sock, name):
cmd = struct.pack('=I', ETHTOOL_GDRVINFO)
buf = array.array('c', cmd)
format = '=32s32s32s32s32x12xIIIII'
buf.extend('\0' * struct.calcsize(format))
ethtool(sock, name, buf)
return dict(zip(['driver', 'version', 'fw_version', 'bus_info',
'n_priv_flags', 'n_stats', 'testinfo_len',
'eedump_len', 'regdump_len'],
struct.unpack(format, buf[len(cmd):])))

def ethtool_gstrings(sock, name, string_set, count):
cmd = struct.pack('=II', ETHTOOL_GSTRINGS, string_set)
buf = array.array('c', cmd)
buf.extend('\0' * (4 + count * ETH_GSTRING_LEN))
ethtool(sock, name, buf)
def nth_string(buf, n):
data = buf[12 + n * ETH_GSTRING_LEN : 12 + (n + 1) * ETH_GSTRING_LEN]
return data.tostring().replace('\0', '')
return [nth_string(buf, n) for n in range(count)]

def ethtool_gstats(sock, name, count):
cmd = struct.pack('=I', ETHTOOL_GSTATS)
buf = array.array('c', cmd)
buf.extend('\0' * (4 + count * 8))
ethtool(sock, name, buf)
def nth_stat(buf, n):
data = buf[8 + n * 8 : 8 + (n + 1) * 8]
return struct.unpack('=Q', data)[0]
return [nth_stat(buf, n) for n in range(count)]

if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
name = sys.argv[1]
sock = socket.socket()
drvinfo = ethtool_gdrvinfo(sock, name)
count = drvinfo['n_stats']
print dict(zip(ethtool_gstrings(sock, name, ETH_SS_STATS, count),
ethtool_gstats(sock, name, count)))

Ben Hutchings, Senior Software Engineer, Solarflare Communications
Not speaking for my employer; that's the marketing department's job.

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