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    SubjectRe: 2.6.25-rc8: FTP transfer errors
    On Sat, Apr 12, 2008 at 01:23:17AM +0200, Tilman Schmidt ( wrote:
    > > If you can not proceed with what was suggested, then do
    > > not piss anyone off because you were told to do something to help.
    > If a polite "sorry, I don't have the time" already counts as pissing
    > off, the only choice left is to avoid the situation in which I'd have to
    > say that. IOW, don't report bugs if I don't have the time to follow
    > through. Again: if that is what you want, I have no problem with it.

    We want bug report, but we definitely do not want, when we ask for
    additionl help, to listen crap that reporter does not have to help and
    it is our roblem.

    > > If you go to the doctor because of aching throat and he asks you to
    > > open a mouth, you will not blame him for asking you to do that.
    > That analogy is wrong on so many accounts. It is not my throat that's
    > aching. A doctor would not insult me for not wanting to open my mouth
    > but rather ask if there was perhaps a valid reason for that. Not to
    > mention that opening my mouth takes substantially less time than a Linux
    > kernel bisection ...

    It is your throat, since doctor's one is ok, and no one else came with
    the same problems. Doctor will not insult you if you will not piss him
    off. Read the thread from the beginning.

    > A better analogy would be if I see an object lying on the highway, and I
    > stop at the next service area to call the police and alert them about
    > the possible danger. If they'd ask me to drive back to the place where I
    > saw it in order to describe precisely where it lay and what it looked
    > like, I think I might indeed become a bit upset.

    Yeah, they first asked how it looked and where it was, then they asked
    to move here, and you told them, that it is they who have to do that,
    that it is exactly their problem, that you are not paid to do that.

    Did I miss something, yeah, probably part, where you then tell, that you
    care about highways, so you moved there and did what was asked.
    Although, no, you first tell to police, that you spend your paid time
    and will teach them how to do thing or similar crap. Only few hours
    later, to some other people, you will tell that you care about highways,
    global warming, Uganda childs and adron collider danger.

    Ugh, just removing that object, when you were there 'takes
    substantially less time than a Linux kernel bisection'.
    Fortunately flooding developers with tons of urine during the whole day
    is much more comfortable and ego-boosting, since it allows to close eyes
    and do not see, that this took much more time than bisection.

    Hope you got it right: we want bug reports and help. If you do not want
    to provide some help, do not expect bug will be fixed, although bug
    eistence is significant sign. So, be cool, and everything will be ok.

    Evgeniy Polyakov

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