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    SubjectRe: [RFC][PATCH 4/5] Protect cinit from fatal signals
    Bastian Blank [] wrote:
    | > Secondly, a poorly written container-inits can take the entire container down,
    | > So we expect that container-inits to handle/ignore all signals rather than
    | > SIG_DFL them. Current global inits do that today and container-inits should
    | > too. It does not look like an unreasonable requirement.
    | So you intend to workaround tools which are used as container-init but
    | does not qualify for this work. Why?

    Sorry, but I don't understand the "does not qualify for this work" part.
    Can you please rephrase ?

    | > So the basic requirements are:
    | >
    | > - container-init receives/processes all signals from ancestor namespace.
    | > - container-init ignores fatal signals from own namespace.
    | >
    | > We are simplifying the first to say that:
    | >
    | > - parent-ns must have a way to terminate container-init
    | > - cinit will ignore SIG_DFL signals that may terminate cinit even if
    | > they come from parent ns
    | This is no simplification. This are more constraints.

    Yes cinit ignoring SIG_DFL exit signals from parent-ns is a constraint.
    So if we run say sshd as container-init, we can't use SIGINT to
    terminate it, but need SIGKILL

    The question is whether this constraint makes any serious/real cinits
    unusable ?

    The behavior at present is that cinits can be terminated from within
    and cinits cannot do anything in user-space. With this incremental
    step at least user space has an option of ignoring such signals.


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