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    SubjectRe: [RESEND] [PATCH] VFS: make file->f_pos access atomic on 32bit arch

    On Thu, 9 Oct 2008, Matthew Wilcox wrote:
    > On Thu, Oct 09, 2008 at 02:23:19PM +0200, Pavel Machek wrote:
    > >
    > > We have append-only files, and normal users should not be able to work
    > > around that restriction.
    > Is it possible to work around this restriction by exploiting this?

    No, I don't think it is.

    Because we had various nasty races, and various broken filesystems using
    "f->f_pos" directly (and then pread/pwrite not working), we fixed things
    many years ago, and nobody should use "f_pos" directly any more for any
    regular file access.

    Oh, you'll see a _lot_ of f_pos accesses if you grep for them in low-level
    filesystems, but they should be for directory accesses, that are all under
    i_mutex. And O_APPEND obviously doesn't enter into it anyway.

    So for regular IO, all the filesystems should never touch f_pos directly
    at all, they only ever touch a local "pos" that gets cached, and then at
    the end of the write sys_write() will write it back with file_pos_write().
    That function was done exactly so that we _could_ do locking if we cared.
    Nobody ever did.

    So even though filesystems get passed a _pointer_ to the position, it's
    all actually a pointer to just a private per-thread, on-stack entry.

    The reason for that is that we really used to have bugs where the
    low-level filesystem assumed that "*pos" didn't change from under it while
    the access was going on (reading it multiple times and comparing against
    i_size etc), and exactly due to things like O_APPEND races against lseek.

    So I think f_pos is fine. Yes, yes, if two threads or processes access the
    same file pointer concurrently, that means that f_pos at the end may be
    crazy, but that really is true regardless of whether you are able to hit
    the *very* small race of updating the 32-bit lower/upper fields in some
    mixed manner. No sane user program can possibly really care, since it
    would already be getting random offsets.

    (Yeah, yeah, I could see some really crazy code that can do retries with
    optimistic locking in user space and could possibly see this as a bug, but
    that really is totally insane code, and I doubt you could write such a
    crazy thing to actually work).


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