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SubjectRe: Linus 2.6.23-rc1
On Sun, 2007-07-29 at 17:04 +0200, Ingo Molnar wrote:
> hi Kasper,
> * Kasper Sandberg <> wrote:
> > Im still not so keen about this, Ingo never did get CFS to match SD in
> > smoothness for 3d applications, where my test subjects are quake(s),
> > world of warcraft via wine, unreal tournament 2004. And this is
> > despite many patches he sent me to try and tweak it. [...]
> hey, i thought you vanished from the face of the earth :-) The last
> email i got from you was more than 2 months ago, where you said that
> you'll try the latest CFS version as soon as possible but that you were
> busy with work. I sent 2 more emails to you about new CFS versions but
> then stopped pestering you directly - work _does_ take precedence over
> games =B-)

I did respond to that one, but perhaps some mail have been getting lost,
cause i cant find any more from you in my inbox.

> CFS v14, v15, v16, v17, v18 and v19 was released meanwhile, CFS v20 went
> upstream, there were no 3D related CFS regressions open for quite some
> time and because i never heard back from you i assumed everything's
> peachy.

I must admit i havent tested the very very latest, will do

> In any case i'm glad you found the time to try CFS again, so please let
> me know in what way it regresses. In your most recent emails you did not
> indicate what specific problem you are having (and you did not reply to
> my last emails from May) - are your old regression reports against CFS
> v13 from May still true as of v2.6.23-rc1? If they are, could you please
> indicate which specific report of yours describes it best and send me
> (or upload to some webspace) the specific .config you are using on your
> box, and the snapshot taken when you are running your
> game. (make sure you have CONFIG_SCHED_DEBUG=y enabled, for highest
> quality debug output) You can pick the script up from:
> Giving us that info would help us immensely with tracking down any CFS
> problem you might still be having.


> Or, if you feel adventurous enough to look into the internals of the
> kernel (which, considering your offer to take up SD maintenance, you
> must be ;-), here's my kernel latency tracer:

Well, im not sure how good i would be at maintaining SD, my idea was
more or less just do the bare minimum to get the thing running on newer
kernels :)

> ( see: latency-tracer-v2.6.23-rc1-combo.patch )
> the simplest way to use it is to enable CONFIG_WAKEUP_TIMING, to set
> /proc/sys/kernel/preempt_max_latency back to 0 (after bootup) and to
> thus measure raw worst-case scheduler latencies - if you regularly see
> the kernel report above say 1000 usecs latencies to the syslog, on a
> PREEMPT kernel then there's definitely something foul going on. For
> example, that's how i found an audio playback latency problem in an
> early version of CFS:
> ( sshd-14614|#1): new 5 us maximum-latency wakeup.
> ( ogg123-6603 |#1): new 6 us maximum-latency wakeup.
> ( ogg123-6608 |#1): new 6 us maximum-latency wakeup.
> ( sshd-14614|#1): new 10 us maximum-latency wakeup.
> ( ogg123-6607 |#0): new 15 us maximum-latency wakeup.
> ( events/0-9 |#0): new 789 us maximum-latency wakeup.
> ( ogg123-6603 |#0): new 2566 us maximum-latency wakeup.

Actually, now that you mention ogg123, i've had some bugs on CFS with
this, i thought it was an ogg123 bug, but now that i remember it its
only on CFS i have it.. when i run multiple ogg123 instances, suddenly
they will just stop playing and lock up. This happens when someone
writes alot fast to me on kopete, where i use ogg123 to play a bling

> that 2.5 msecs latency in the ogg123 task was definitely the sign of a
> kernel bug.
> If plain WAKEUP_TIMING does not show anything suspicious, you can use
> the latency tracer in more advanced ways as well to trace the whole
> system and figure out the precise cause of your game latencies - i'll be
> glad to help with that if no simpler measure helps. [see trace-it.c for
> some of those details.]
> > [...] As far as im concerned, i may be forced to unofficially maintain
> > SD for my own systems(allthough lots in the gaming community is bound
> > to be interrested, as it does make games lots better)
> i'd encourage you to do it - in fact i already tried to prod Peter
> Williams into doing exactly that ;) The more reality checks a scheduler
> has, the better. [ Btw., after the obvious initial merging trouble it
> should be much easier to keep SD maintained against future upstream
> kernels due to the policy modularity that CFS introduces. (and which
> policy-modularity should also help reduce the size and complexity of the
> SD patch.) ]
> Thanks,
> Ingo
> -
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