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    SubjectRe: x86 status was Re: -mm merge plans for 2.6.23

    On Wed, 11 Jul 2007, wrote:
    > Odd, I looked at the patchset fairly closely a number of times, as I was
    > hand-retrofitting the -rc[1-4] versions onto -rc[1-4]-mm kernels, and it looked
    > to *me* like it was a nice set of 20 or so step-by-step changes (bisectable
    > and everything - I got to do that once trying to figure out which one I botched).
    > Was there something in there that I missed?

    The patch-set itself actually looks fine, as far as I'm concerned.

    But it does seem to have that "enable everything in one go" problem.

    I'd much rather see one time source at a time being converted, and enabled
    then and there, so that when people report problems and do a bisection, if
    it was HPET that broke, you get the commit that changed HPET.

    As it is, looking at that set, it *looks* like you'd get the "ok, now
    enable it all" as the commit that breaks, which tells you hardly anything,
    since the commit that _shows_ the behaviour has absolutely nothing to do
    with the code that actually causes it.

    But yeah, the patch series per se doesn't look bad. If it wasn't for me
    being burnt by the last big switch-over for timers, I probably wouldn't
    mind it at all, personally.

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