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SubjectRe: [patch] CFS scheduler, -v14
Ingo Molnar wrote:
> i'm pleased to announce release -v14 of the CFS scheduler patchset.
> The CFS patch against v2.6.22-rc2, v2.6.21.1 or v2.6.20.10 can be
> downloaded from the usual place:

In comment before distribute_fair_add(), we have such text:

* A task gets added back to the runnable tasks and gets
* a small credit for the CPU time it missed out on while
* it slept, so fix up all other runnable task's wait_runtime
* so that the sum stays constant (around 0).

But as I observe by cat /proc/sched_debug (, UP, RHEL4), I found
the all waiting fields often are more than zero, or less than zero.

IMHO, the sum of task_struct->wait_runtime just is the denominator of
all runnable time in some ways, is it right? if so, increasing the sum
of wait_runtime just make scheduling decision more precise. so what's
meaning for keeping the wait_runtime is zero-sum?

Good luck

- Li Yu
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