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SubjectRe: Kernel NFS lockd freezes notebook on shutdown (Linux 2.6.22-rc1 + CFS v12)
Hello Zilvinas,

On 05/17, Zilvinas Valinskas wrote:
> Patch seems to help and it seems kernel doesn't free anymore. I've
> booted new kernel and did :

OK, thank you very much. So, we have some other problems, and I _think_
that workqueue.c is not the source of them.

However, I can't understand why cleanup_workqueue_thread() hangs anyway.
It shouldn't. Looks like rpciod/1 was preempted, and can't get CPU. According
to kernel-nfs-freeze.log it is TASK_RUNNING. Strange.

It is very sad, because this code was supposed to be cleanuped anyway,
but if it is really buggy, it would be great to know why.

Perhaps, we can understand the problem with your help. Could you please
revert the patch I sent, and send me (privately) the output of

objdump -d kernel/workqueue.o

? I doubt very much I'll see something interesting, but who knows...



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