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SubjectRe: Asynchronous scsi scanning
On Thu, May 17, 2007 at 10:43:06PM +0530, Satyam Sharma wrote:
> >No, it does matter. Your suggestion doesn't work, because
> >/sys/module/scsi_mod/parameters/ belongs to the module code. To create
> >a new attribute there, you use the module_param() code -- and there's
> >no way to have code called when your parameter is changed.

(thanks, Roland for pointing out that I'm incorrect about code being

> Ok, thanks for pointing out that /sys/module/scsi_mod/parameters/wait...
> is _wrong_. Could you suggest something that would be _right_?

No, I can't, which is why I find it hard to like the idea of "use
sysfs". I have no particular love for using a module like this, but
my preferred way (a new verb for /proc/scsi/scsi) isn't liked by others.
So here we stand.

> You're almost right here. But IMHO this is simply a case of
> doing something in some kernel subsystem in a proper/better
> way than it is being done presently.
> Anyway, like I said on another thread, discussions here tend to be
> most productive only over code, so I'll try and make a patch to do
> this some other way.

Come up with a sensible suggestion, and I'll listen to you. Code isn't
the issue. API is the issue.
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