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SubjectRe: [PATCH][RSDL-mm 0/7] RSDL cpu scheduler for 2.6.21-rc3-mm2
On Sunday 11 March 2007, Mike Galbraith wrote:
>Hi Con,
>On Sun, 2007-03-11 at 14:57 +1100, Con Kolivas wrote:
>> What follows this email is a patch series for the latest version of
>> the RSDL cpu scheduler (ie v0.29). I have addressed all bugs that I am
>> able to reproduce in this version so if some people would be kind
>> enough to test if there are any hidden bugs or oops lurking, it would
>> be nice to know in anticipation of putting this back in -mm. Thanks.
>> Full patch for 2.6.21-rc3-mm2:
>I'm seeing a cpu distribution problem running this on my P4 box.
>listening to music collection (mp3) via Amarok. Enable Amarok
>visualization gforce, and size such that X and gforce each use ~50% cpu.
>Start rip/encode of new CD with grip/lame encoder. Lame is set to use
>both cpus, at nice 5. Once the encoders start, they receive
>considerable more cpu than nice 0 X/Gforce, taking ~120% and leaving the
>remaining 80% for X/Gforce and Amarok (when it updates it's ~12k entry
>database) to squabble over.
>With 2.6.21-rc3, X/Gforce maintain their ~50% cpu (remain smooth), and
>the encoders (100%cpu bound) get whats left when Amarok isn't eating it.
>I plunked the above patch into plain 2.6.21-rc3 and retested to
>eliminate other mm tree differences, and it's repeatable. The nice 5
>cpu hogs always receive considerably more that the nice 0 sleepers.
> -Mike

Just to comment, I've been running one of the patches between 20-ck1 and
this latest one, which is building as I type, but I also run gkrellm
here, version 2.2.9.

Since I have been running this middle of this series patch, something is
killing gkrellm about once a day, and there is nothing in the logs to
indicate a problem. I see a blink out of the corner of my eye, and its
gone. And it always starts right back up from a kmenu click.

No idea if anyone else is experiencing this or not.

Cheers, Gene
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