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SubjectRe: [patch] MTD: fix DOC2000/2001/2001PLUS build error

On Mon, 5 Feb 2007, David Woodhouse wrote:
> Secondly, please don't _ever_ use 'select'.

No, David.

I don't know why you keep repeating this mantra, when it's WRONG.

Using "select" is a lot more sane and intelligent than assuming that users
know what dependencies they want.

The Kconfig files should ask about *end-user* visible features. They
should say "do you want to support X".

If "X" then needs Y, Z and something else to actually compile, then that
Kconfig file should DAMN WELL use "select". Stop claiming anything else!

The user shouldn't know that they should say that they need some library Y
in order to even see the question for "X". It's not a sane thing to ask
them to know and care about. They care about the devices or capabilities
they want to support, not about the fact that a USB storage device needs
the SCSI core layer, for example.

So stop saying "don't use select".

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