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SubjectRe: Possible bug from kernel 2.6.22 and above, 2.6.24-rc4

* Jie Chen <> wrote:

> I just ran the same test on two 2.6.24-rc4 kernels: one with
> off. The odd behavior I described in my previous e-mails were still
> there for both kernels. Let me know If I can be any more help. Thank
> you.

ok, i had a look at your data, and i think this is the result of the
scheduler balancing out to idle CPUs more agressively than before. Doing
that is almost always a good idea though - but indeed it can result in
"bad" numbers if all you do is to measure the ping-pong "performance"
between two threads. (with no real work done by any of them).

the moment you saturate the system a bit more, the numbers should
improve even with such a ping-pong test.

do you have testcode (or a modification of your testcase sourcecode)
that simulates a real-life situation where 2.6.24-rc4 performs not as
well as you'd like it to see? (or if qmt.tar.gz already contains that
then please point me towards that portion of the test and how i should
run it - thanks!)


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  Last update: 2007-12-05 16:43    [W:0.345 / U:0.132 seconds]
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