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SubjectRe: Possibly SATA related freeze killed networking and RAID
Tejun Heo wrote:
> Surprise, surprise. There's no way to tell whether the controller
> raised interrupt or not if command is not in progress. As I said
> before, there's no IRQ pending bit. While processing commands, you can
> tell by looking at other status registers but when there's nothing in
> flight and the controller determines it's a good time to raise a
> spurious interrupt, there's no way you can tell. That dang SFF
> interface is like 15+ years old.
> But we can still make things pretty robust. We're working on it.
> Thanks.

It sounds like you mean that you know the controller did NOT raise the
interrupt ( intentionally/correctly ) if there was no command in
progress, as opposed to not being able to tell. Unless there is some
condition under which it is valid for the controller to raise an
interrupt when it had no commands in progress? And if that's the case
and there's know way to know WHY, that's a broken design.

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  Last update: 2007-12-03 18:17    [W:0.045 / U:2.740 seconds]
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