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SubjectRe: [patch] Make MMCONFIG space (extended PCI config space) a driver opt-in issue
On Sat, Dec 22, 2007 at 08:02:49AM -0800, Arjan van de Ven wrote:
> even then.. it's technically not correct; you're not supposed to mix access types for the same device..
> Just doing opt-in also allows us to do quirks (forbid access) as well.

I think what this specification means is that you can't mix both _at the
same time_. ie, doing a type 1 cycle, then before it returns, do an
mmconfig cycle. We never try to do that because there's a spinlock to
prevent more than one config space access at a time. It *has* to work
to do them sequentially -- for example, the BIOS may do type1 config
accesses, then the OS may do mmconfig.

I've occasionally wondered if that spinlock needs to get split up, but
for the amount of pain that could ensue, I can't imagine it ever being

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a retrograde step."

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