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SubjectRe: After many hours all outbound connections get stuck in SYN_SENT
> The router could be sooo crappy that it drops all packets from
> TCP streams that have SACK enabled and the client has opened
> 200+ SACK connections previously... something like that?

I don't know, maybe. My router is a fairly new model Cisco and is
pretty major (i.e. pretty expensive), so it's not just a total piece
of crap. Plus, I never restart it when I see these issues. I just
turn tcp_sack off, the problem goes away, and I'm able to renable
tcp_sack a few hours later and it works fine until many hours later
when I see the SYN_SENT problem again.

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  Last update: 2007-12-19 19:15    [W:0.093 / U:0.052 seconds]
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