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    SubjectRe: Linux Security *Module* Framework (Was: LSM conversion to static interface)
    Ok lets get to a good point.

    Lets define a key bit. What is a good software security lock?

    My define is that its available to be used everywhere its needed and
    when ever its need without flaw.

    This is where most LSM fall in a heap. Because you have to have the
    LSM loaded to have its security features and cannot always be mixed
    with other LSM it failes the when ever it is needed test.

    On top of this most LSM features don't provide any form of direct
    control to non admin users or applications to lower there access
    rights. So it also fails to be used everywhere its needed.

    Since the LSM design itself is flawed in my eyes. These flaws make
    it hard for LSM to share tech advantages with each other. LSM are
    very much like putting a lock threw the front wheel of a bike. So
    the thief removes the front wheel and walks off with the rest of the
    bike. The critical data is in the user accounts.

    The big thing with most LSM how do they handle security inside a
    application on a thread by thread base. They don't reason it gets too
    compex without known the internals of the application.

    We are talking security here and design of LSM's are not offering the
    option max security.

    Max security has to get down to a single thread inside a application
    with all the security blocking features LSM's offer. Reason a flaw in
    that thread could be made completely harmless even that the other
    threads in the application has complete system rights.

    Idea of Max is to keep application flaws to as minor security flaw as
    they could have been. Ie Hopefully no risk because the flaw happened
    in a section of code with no rights.

    This is virtually imposable for any form of profiling creating
    security to ever do(LSM profile based security). What is needed is
    application controlled security with profile based security as fail
    back. I know this means ripping your LSM parts apart and designing in
    application controls. Allowing features to be shared between LSM and
    even to be there when the LSM that feature came from is not being

    First goal should not be to get a LSM static linked into kernel or
    anything else bar getting the security system to a point that max
    security is on the table if people want it.

    I will say this again in my eyes LSM's should be thrown out of the
    kernel completely because they are only offering fake max security.
    Selinux and other LSM's on max is not even close to what should be

    Basically Linux is a sitting duck for data thief third party that
    steal from the users home directory personal information. And its
    not like application developers are being given the tools to prevent
    that. Cost and loss does not start only when applications normal
    profile of access is breached. It starts way before that.

    Peter Dolding
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