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SubjectRe: 2.6.24-rc1 fails with lockup and BUG:

On Wed, 2007-10-24 at 16:27 +0200, Ingo Molnar wrote:

> and please post the resulting dmesg output - does lockdep notice any
> lockup reason? (your backtrace suggests some mutex stuff so it might as
> well detect it)

Done. The results are at:

in the syslog-after-failed-suspend.txt file. After the failed suspend
(at line 15766) there where the bunch of things in D-state. I have left
the file intact.

At line 17646 there is:

WARNING: at kernel/lockdep.c:2033 trace_hardirqs_on()

I waited a bit and then, on an already-opened root shell, did
s2ram -f -p -m (line 17811)

and then a lot more things happened, and I am somewhat lost.

Hope this could be useful to you.


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