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SubjectRe: kernel + gcc 4.1 = several problems
On Thu, Jan 04, 2007 at 09:47:01AM -0800, Linus Torvalds wrote:
> NOBODY will guarantee you that they follow all standards to the letter.
> Some use compiler extensions knowingly, but pretty much _everybody_ ends
> up depending on subtle issues without even realizing it. It's almost
> impossible to write a real program that has no bugs, and if they don't
> show up in testing (because the compiler didn't generate buggy assembly
> code from source code that had the _potential_ for bugs), they often won't
> get fixed.
> The kernel does things like compare pointers across objects, and the
> kernel EXPECTS it to work. I seriously doubt that the kernel is even
> unusual in this. The common way to avoid AB-BA deadlocks in any threaded
> code (whether kernel or user space) is to just take two locks in a
> specific order, and the common way to do that for locks of the same type
> is simply to compare the addresses).
> The fact that this is "undefined" behaviour matters not a _whit_. Not for
> the kernel, and I bet not for a lot of other applications either.

True, but we'd better understand what assumptions we are making. I have
seen patches seriously attempting to _subtract_ unrelated pointers. And
that simply doesn't work for obvious reasons...
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