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SubjectRe: [PATCH] new capability patch, version 0.4.2 (now with fs support), part 3/4
On Fri, Sep 08, 2006 at 04:41:44PM +0200, Pavel Machek wrote:
> Well, for merge you'll need to sign-off and put explanation to each
> patch. Link is not enough, because it will end in git.

You'll have to excuse me for my ignorance: I have some knowledge of
how git and the kernel work as programs, but none at all of how they
are actually managed by the Powers That Be. So, what does it mean to
"sign off", where should I append the explanations, which git
repository will/might it end in, and how am I supposed to do things
the right way? I mean, so far I'm just expecting people to read the
patch and perhaps test it, but certainly not commit it anywhere

Pointers are an acceptable answer, of course.

David A. Madore
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