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SubjectRe: [PATCH] Put the BUG __FILE__ and __LINE__ info out of line
Andrew Morton wrote:
> Plan #17 is to just put the BUG inline and then put the EIP+file*+line into
> a separate section, then search that section at BUG time to find the record
> whose EIP points back at this ud2a.

Sure, but it seems a bit complex for this; I think simpler is better
when the kernel has got itself into an iffy state.

> It's a bit messy for modules, but it minimises the .text impact and keeps
> disassembly happy, no?
I'm not quite sure I understand your concern. You're worried about the
size increase to vmlinux in the case where you specify
CONFIG_DEBUG_BUGVERBOSE? Seems to me that if you specify it, you're
willing to give up some kernel space for it, and adding 5 bytes/BUG
isn't a huge deal (that's about 10k extra on my kernel).

Especially since the file+line info is mostly redundant anyway (since
the kernel can tell you what a function an EIP is in), and completely
redunant if you have debug info. I guess its mostly useful so you can
interpret the the bug message without access to kernel image.

> And if done right it can probably be used by other architectures.

DWARF seems like the better answer to me.

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