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SubjectRe: GPL Violation?
David Woodhouse wrote:
> So when you distribute a product which combines the kernel and some
> driver module, and which isn't 'mere aggregation on a storage medium'
> but is actually a coherent whole which works together and wouldn't
> function correctly if either the kernel or the module were missing, then
> your module _must_ be released under the terms of the GPL too.

'function correctly' ?

As what?

I've bought a number of devices that I know will not have all the
advertised features available to me, because I install a different
version of linux on them.

It functions correctly, as delivered.

With the appropriate disclaimers on the box, it cannot function
incorrectly, as you will know that the thumb-print reader won't
work if you upgrade the kernel, and if you intend to do so,
you don't buy.

I've got a number of wireless routers that I don't have working
drivers for the wifi cards, happily wired into my network doing
things that they were not intended for, but they are functioning
'correctly' as I see it.
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