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SubjectRe: + espfix-code-cleanup.patch added to -mm tree
>>> Well, someone used that macro in a .fixup section, where the
>>> CFI adjustments do not seem to work. But since I don't know
>>> why this was done (Jan?), I reverted that to my original code and
>>> added the adjustments now.
>> The macro in question is UNWIND_ESPFIX_STACK, which is used in
>No, that was about FIXUP_ESPFIX_STACK in fact.
>> Even more, the macro itself switches to .fixup,
>... where it uses FIXUP_ESPFIX_STACK. I haven't done that.
>Someone else added the .fixup section to UNWIND_ESPFIX_STACK,
>and so the FIXUP_ESPFIX_STACK became used in that section.
>I removed that now with my patch, unless someone can tell
>me why it was needed.

That was me, in order to get the unwind annotations right without
complicating the code too much. Again, FIXUP_ESPFIX_STACK doesn't
use any unwind directives so can be used anywhere, including the
.fixup section UNWIND_ESPFIX_STACK switches to.

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