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    SubjectRe: ext4 features
    On Thu, 06 Jul 2006 13:27:35 EDT, Ric Wheeler said:

    > The key is to keep the signature/checksum with the file - tripwire and
    > backup programs could do this (and even store it their own extended
    > attribute), but I think that it is more generically useful than that.

    Backup programs want it stored with the file. Tripwire wants it stored
    as far away from the file as possible. Remember - for Tripwire, we *don't*
    want the "current maintained value", we want "the snapshotted value from
    a known good state".

    If the filesystem stored a "guaranteed trustable current hash", Tripwire
    *could* use it to compare against its database rather than having to re-read
    the file and recompute it. Unfortunately, a useful trustable hash is
    basically incompatible with any sort of incremental updating (except for
    the special case of appending to the file).
    [unhandled content-type:application/pgp-signature]
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      Last update: 2006-07-06 22:55    [W:3.343 / U:0.516 seconds]
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