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SubjectRe: Support for TI FlashMedia (pci id 104c:8033, 104c:803b) flash card readers

> Then try to make qualified guesses. Even if the
> constants are
> TIFM_INTFLAG_2, that still makes the code more
> readable as you see which
> values are the same constant.
It is not necessarily good idea for constants that are
used only once on initialization. May be a side
comment will be better. I'll check this out.

> Is it possible for a "socket" to have
> multiple "card":s
> associated with it? Otherwise I see little need for
> the dynamic behaviour.

It appears that any socket can hold any card type. So
the logic goes as following:
1. Get insertion interrupt on socket
2. Detect card type
3. Stick proper handler to the socket work
4. Get removal interrupt on socket
5. Ditch type-specific handler, mark socket as empty
A quick example: on 8033 sd cards are most often wired
to socket 3, while on 803b they are wired to socket 1.

> Sorry, I was a bit unclear. Of course hardware cares
> about what kind of
> response it will get. What I meant was that hardware
> shouldn't care if
> it's R1, R2 or R666.

I'm afraid you'll have to clarify this issue further.
Consider the following: TI uses look up table to set
command type register. The decoding of this table is
my tifm_sd_op_flags. Its output directly sent to
hardware. Can you notice any bit patterns here:
Response type (4b):
R1 - 1 R1b - 9 (so highest 1 is MMC_RSP_BUSY)
R2 - 2 R3 - 3 R6 - 6
(if bit 1 is MMC_RSP_136 why it is set for R3 and R6;
and if it's MMC_RSP_CRC why it is not set for R1?)

Command type (2b):
BC - 0 (implied) BCR - 1
AC - 2 ADTC - 3
(even if higher bit stands for "addressed vs
broadcast" it still doesn't make sense for lower bit).

By the way, if I recall correctly, SD spec does not
splits command types and responses into components. It
always speaks of R1s and R6s and so on.

> Baby steps. If you test carefully enough (and do
> some qualified
> guessing), you usually can figure out what most bits
> of a register are for.

It's not hard to figure out bits that are used
systematically. The problem is that there are 4 or 5
registers that are set to some constant at
initialization. I made all kinds of trials with them
and got no conclusive idea on their meaning.

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