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SubjectRe: Trying to get my shiny new G5 (quad 2.5GHz) to boot under Linux
On Sunday 30 July 2006 04:06, Kyle Moffett wrote:
> I just bought a brand new absolute-bleeding-edge Quad 2.5GHz G5 (it's
> actually dual-proc dual-core, but that's marketing for you) and I'm
> trying to find a kernel that will boot the system. Well actually I'm
> _trying_ to install Debian but I have yet to even get to mounting the
> initramfs. Here's a list of the kernels I've tried:
> Debian-Installer beta2 (I think this is 2.6.15?)
> Debian 2.6.16-1-powerpc64
> Debian 2.6.17-1-powerpc64
> Custom 2.6.18-rc2+git (64821324ca49f24be1a66f2f432108f96a24e596)
> The first two Debian kernels didn't get past "Setup Arch" in the
> OpenFirmware text console; they just hung with black text on a white
> screen and spun the fans up to full blast after a few seconds. I
> _think_ they were missing a PowerMac dual-core fix of some kind that
> went into 2.6.17, although my googling wasn't terribly informative.
> The third debian kernel got into driver init code and failed when the
> i8250 serial driver claimed some resource and broke the zilog serial
> driver. I couldn't figure out if a fix for this ever made it into
> the latest kernel, so I built a custom kernel for my G5 from my older
> G4 (ARCH=powerpc). This kernel dies in the SMU code with the
> following panic (WARNING: Typed by hand from the console, so there
> may be small typos). My .config is attached.
> If you have gotten Linux to boot on the Quad G5; I'd really
> appreciate it if you could send me a working .config (or even better,
> a working vmlinux image). Thanks for all your help!

Here we go.
This is a 2.6.18-rc2 kernel (well, some git snapshot from about
a week ago). It works fine on my 2.5Ghz Quad.



Greetings Michael.
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