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SubjectRe: FAQ updated (was Re: XFS breakage...)

Running xfs_repair multiple times (after following the FAQ for the
write core.mode 0 fix), I get this:

- agno = 3
- agno = 4
- agno = 5
- agno = 6
entry ".." at block 0 offset 1352 in directory inode 3221227534 references
free inode 2112
clearing inode number in entry at offset 1352...
no .. entry for directory 3221227534
- agno = 7
- agno = 8
- agno = 9
disconnected inode 2684386082, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386083, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386084, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386085, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386086, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386087, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386088, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386089, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386090, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386091, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386092, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386093, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386094, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386095, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386096, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386097, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386098, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386099, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386100, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386101, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386102, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386103, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386104, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386105, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386106, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386107, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386108, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386109, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386110, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386111, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386112, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386113, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386114, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386115, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386116, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386117, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386118, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386119, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386120, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386121, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386122, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386123, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386124, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386125, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386126, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386127, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386128, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386129, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386130, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386131, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386132, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386133, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386134, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386135, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386136, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386137, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386138, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386139, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386140, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386141, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386142, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386143, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386144, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386145, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386146, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386147, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386148, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386149, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386150, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386151, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386152, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386153, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386154, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386155, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386156, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386157, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386158, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386159, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386160, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386161, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386162, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386163, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386164, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684386165, moving to lost+found
disconnected inode 2684653605, moving to lost+found
disconnected dir inode 3221227534, moving to lost+found
Phase 7 - verify and correct link counts...
resetting inode 3221227534 nlinks from 3 to 2

I can run this over and over, and the result is the same?

On Fri, 21 Jul 2006, Nathan Scott wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 20, 2006 at 06:55:51PM -0400, Justin Piszcz wrote:
>> Phase 6 - check inode connectivity...
>> - traversing filesystem starting at / ...
>> free block 16777216 for directory inode 2684356622 bad nused
>> free block 16777216 for directory inode 2147485710 bad nused

>> - traversal finished ...
>> ...
>> I applied the "one line fix" - I should be ok now?
> You have two corrupt directory inodes (caused by this bug, that
> is exactly the signature I'd expect - it was a nused field that
> was affected by the dodgey endian change). The two inodes need
> to be fixed - consult the FAQ for details.
> Once fixed, and with a patched kernel, you're set.
> cheers.
> --
> Nathan
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  Last update: 2006-07-21 01:13    [W:0.246 / U:0.060 seconds]
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