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    SubjectRe: [klibc] klibc and what's the next step?
    Olaf Hering wrote:

    > I do not want to see kinit merged.

    For what it's worth -- I as a user am violently opposed to kinit not
    being in the source tree, if _anything_ is merged.

    Given that's it's intended to take over kernel functionality, kinit
    would be a tightly coupled piece of software and a number of problems
    2.6 has seen are with tightly coupled software (udev, alsa-lib) getting
    out of sync with the kernel. I believe someone from redhat complained
    about it last. Adding another tightly coupled external app to the mix is
    just going to worsen the situation. Please don't do that.

    And yes, then there's the issue of keeping distributions all using the
    same thing which I saw someone else remark on as well. If klibc/kinit is
    the way forward, please make sure kinit is in the kernel source tree.


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