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SubjectRe: [Suspend2-devel] Re: uswsusp history lesson
Rafael J. Wysocki wrote:
> On Saturday 08 July 2006 18:50, Arjan van de Ven wrote:
>> [...]
>> Bang heads together. Go for beer at OLS. I don't care how, but anything
>> to prevent the insane thing of having multiple half working
>> implementations.
> I think everyone agrees with that. However, the problem is we already have
> two of them and one is out of the tree. Each of them has its supporters who
> believe their implementation of choice is "better" and want it to become
> the Only One.
hmm...not quite sure that the suspend2 ppl want it to become the only
one...we just want to have a fair playing field; that is, not a
situation where we are being told "my code is in the kernel, i like it
much better, work on my code or go away and play somewhere else" when we
have tried the code in the kernel, have found it to be lacking, and have
an alternative that appears to be working much better.
> Unfortunately the implementations are not 100% mergeable for
> technical reasons and the out-of-the-tree one is more feature-rich.
> Now there seem to be two possible ways to go:
> 1) Drop the implementation that already is in the kernel and replace it with
> the out-of-the-tree one.
> 2) Improve the one that already is in the kernel incrementally, possibly
> merging some code from the out-of-the-tree implementation, so that it's as
> feature-rich as the other one.
> Apparently 1) is what Nigel is trying to make happen and 2) is what I'd like
> to do.
again, i think, nigel is trying to get (3) accomplished:

3) get the out-of-the-tree code merged into the kernel and let
users/developers/distros decide.


Dr Dirk Husemann, Pervasive Computing, IBM Research, Zurich Research Lab ---
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